Such Humour. Much Hurt. Wow

Ankit Sharma's Blog

There seems to be a new fashion of sorts to be a moral police and try to set this world ‘straight’, both sexually and otherwise. Right from using Ram-Leela as the title of a movie that has protagonists of the same name, to banning Comedy Central for being derogatory to women.

Now, the latest incident that has irked us, is the legal case against AIB. Friends, please help me to completely understand the concept. A person abuses another one who laughs hard at it. Then some people, with too much free time and a childhood without Cartoon Network, go ahead and file a complaint, because they were tied down, their eyebrows were cello-taped open and were made to listen to abusive words.

Wait. They weren’t.

Most probably, the conversation at their place went like: “Hey look at them! Saying bad words which will spoil our kids. *Turns to his…

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